Main Focus Key Takeaways
Part 1 Product Introduction 1. Array's innovative dual-asset tokenomics
  1. $ARA’s steady-growing supply
  2. Scenarios where $USDR gets burned | | Part 2 | Marketing Plan | 1. Array making a debut in the Vietnamese market
  3. Array's huge influence in Web2 (especially the collab with TikTok)
  4. Array's ambition to explore the global market | | Part 3 | Innovative Insights | Share your innovative insights and commentaries |


  1. Window for video release: From now on;
  2. Content creators have the right to choose any other key points you find useful about Array, and would like to emphasise to your audience;
  3. Content creators should deliver the introduction of Array in your own natural expressions. Reading from a script is NOT allowed.

⚽️ Goals